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The ultimate Minecraft anti-cheat solution! Protect your server with real-time detection, powerful features, and seamless gameplay integrity.

Server Game MechanicsOptimizationUtility

1 follower


by MaxUltimat3 on Sep 16, 2024


  • AntiVoid
    • If a player is detected falling into the void and is in the void, they will be returned to the last location where they were detected touching the ground before falling into the void.
  • Blink
    • If a player teleports without being teleported by the server or another player, they will be detected if they teleport 5 blocks without being teleported by something or someone.
  • FastUse
    • The player is detected if they eat, place, or break blocks at an abnormal speed.
  • config.yml file and DakotaAC folder
    • When you first install the DakotaAC plugin, a folder will be generated in the plugins folder containing the config.yml file where you can modify various options. It is recommended to completely delete and reinstall the plugin, as the files might not generate correctly due to a known issue with Paper/Bukkit.
  • Commands
    • More commands have been added, such as /dakotaac reload and /report (player)
    • /report (player) allows you to specify a player when reporting, which will notify online staff. If no staff are online, DakotaAC will attempt to handle the reported player, and the report will be saved. When staff come online, they will be notified of the report.
    • /dakotaac reload will reload only methods and newly added classes. This will not erase reports or data for players.


  • SetBack method
    • The setback method has been temporarily removed to prevent other bugs in the detection of certain checks. This method no longer closes events or blocks the player, but instead directly detects and notifies staff.


  • Notify
    • The issue where notifications from the anticheat were not received by non-OP players has been fixed.
  • Optimization
    • The plugin's reboot and startup speed have been optimized.
    • The plugin is now compatible with all plugins but may encounter issues if multiple anticheat plugins or anticheat addons are present.
    • Non-functional code lines have been removed, and the remaining code has been optimized to reduce the plugin's size.
  • AimBot
    • A significant bug in this check has been fixed. Previously, the anticheat would spawn an NPC near the player, but the NPC would become invisible and persist in the Citizens API. When trying to view how many NPCs were in the world, these NPCs would multiply and remain spawned. From now on, these NPCs will be destroyed to prevent them from being saved in the Citizens API.


by MaxUltimat3 on Sep 11, 2024


  • AutoClicker

    • Detects if the player exceeds 20 clicks in an abnormally fast time.
  • Critical

    • Checks if the player is not on the ground and their Y coordinate hasn’t changed in any tick where they hit an entity.
  • HitBox

    • Verifies if the player’s view is exactly aligned with the entity they are attacking, or if the player can hit the entity without directly looking at it.
  • KillAura

    • Detects if the player is hitting through solid or non-solid blocks, meaning they are attacking through blocks that need to be broken to reach the entity.
  • HighJump

    • Checks if the player jumps suddenly into the air, i.e., if their Y coordinate changes abruptly without smooth motion.
  • Jesus

    • Detects if the player is "on the ground" even when surrounded by non-solid blocks like water or lava.
  • NoSlowDown

    • Detects if the player is eating or blocking with an item (like a shield) without their XZ movement speed being reduced.
  • AimBot

    • Checks the player by spawning a fake NPC that circles around the player four times to see if the player targets it automatically.
  • InventoryMove

    • Detects if the player moves items in their inventory while still moving, or if they drop items from their inventory without opening it or while moving.
  • Velocity

    • Checks if the player receives knockback when hit by an entity or projectile and if the player moves in the opposite direction of the hit.
  • Fucker

    • Detects if the player is breaking a block but the block’s path to their head is interfered by other blocks.
  • Scaffold

    • Detects if the player is placing blocks too quickly or placing multiple blocks in a single tick, and if they keep their view on the placed block for 5 ticks.


  • PingSpoof

    • Removed because it incorrectly flagged players with bad internet connections or lower-performance computers, causing lag or high ping.
  • Chat

    • Removed because Microsoft introduced a reporting system where players can be reported for breaking the game’s rules.
  • NoRotateSet

    • Removed because, when a player joins or leaves the server, they might not fully load, causing their character’s head and camera to misalign and falsely trigger a ban.


  • Reach

    • Fixed a bug where if the player sprinted and hit an entity, their reach would increase by 5%, and in Creative mode, it would increase by 10%. This was approximate and occurred if the player was looking up or down.
  • KillAura

    • Fixed a bug where the player was able to hit an entity in water or lava, which were considered non-solid blocks. Now, detection focuses on the player's body position rather than the head.
  • Critical

    • Reworked the method for detecting a player’s critical hit while in water. If the player’s feet touch the ground but they swim slightly upward, they can still deliver critical hits to entities.
  • Fly

    • Fixed a bug where the player was detected when jumping on slabs or in water, or when the player received knockback over 10 blocks while maintaining their Y coordinate.
  • NoFall

    • Fixed and reworked the logic for detecting NoFall, where a player falling in the air was detected as if they had landed on the ground, even if they were still airborne and more than 4 blocks above the ground.
  • Speed

    • Fixed a bug where the player was detected by their Y position. Now, the player is detected by their XZ velocity and movement speed from one block to another, measured in 3 ticks.
  • XRay

    • Fixed a bug where, if the plugin was reloaded, blocks changed by the XRay feature would remain altered and not return to their original state.
  • Fucker

    • The player was detected even if the block and their head were interfered by a non-solid block.
  • Scaffold

    • Fixed a bug where the player spammed blocks under them while bridging instead of properly building the bridge while jumping on the ground.

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