NOTE: This plugin needs an internet connection to fetch the values of the coins.
A plugin that brings the cryptocoins market experience to your server!
- Beautiful and easy-to-use GUI
- Real life exchange rates
- Ranking of richest players
- Allows trades on more than one coin
- Calendar showing the previous values
- Coin purchase via conversation
Main menu
This menu is accessed using the command /cryptomarket (or just /cm)
It contains buttons to access the other menus and some useful items, such as:
Price selling now: this one tells you how much of profit (or loss) you'll get if you sell now
Wallet: shows your current balance, server coin or cryptocoin
Coins / Values: the most important one, here is where the magic happens. It shows the current values of the coins and allows you to negotiate on them.
Clicking (left click = sell, right click = buy) on it will start a negotiation conversation, after that the player just have to answer some questions (coin, amount, etc). And that is it, negotiation completed!
Update: updates the exchange rates if an error ocurred
Ranking and Calendar: opens their respective menus
Ranking menu
Do you want to see who are the richest players on the server?
Check this menu out!
It also calculates the total value invested in the server!
Here the top 5 are displayed along with their total patrimony (amount invested converted to server coin):
Calendar menu
Are you curious of how much did Bitcoin cost last week or... year?
This menu contains the previous values of the coins, which may help players decide when it's the best time to buy!
How to install?
- Before anything, you must get an API KEY (don't worry, it's free):
- Access, fill the form and click on "GET FREE API KEY".
- Start the server with CryptoMarket.jar in the plugins folder.
- Open the config file and insert your API KEY on "api-key".
- Restart your server.
That is it, the other configurations are optional and the plugin is ready!
- allows the player to open the Main menu​
- cryptomarket.negotiate: allows the player to buy/sell coins​
- cryptomarket.ranking: allows the player to open the Ranking menu ​
- cryptomarket.calendar: allows the player to open the Calendar menu​
- cryptomarket.balance: allows the player to use /cm balance
- allows the player to use /cm today
- cryptomarket.update: allows the player to use /cm update
- allows the player to use /cm save​
- cryptomarket.give: allows the player to use /cm give​
- cryptomarket.take: allows the player to use /cm take​
- cryptomarket.set: allows the player to use /cm set​
Javadocs can be found at:
- Vault
- Economy plugin
External resources
Project members
