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BuildContest plugin automatically creates Minecraft sub-servers using Docker and transfers players to their respective contest servers.

Server ManagementStorageUtility

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BuildContest Plugin

BuildContest is a Velocity plugin that simplifies the setup of dedicated servers for each team in a building contest. The plugin uses Docker Compose to start sub-servers and automatically transfers players to their respective sub-servers for the contest. Team configurations and server information are persistently stored.


  • Automatic Sub-Server Creation: Create team servers using HTTP API calls with Docker Compose, and register them with Velocity.
  • Automatic Player Transfer: Players are automatically transferred to their corresponding sub-servers when joining the main server.
  • Permission Control: Authenticate HTTP requests using Bearer Token.
  • Prevent Duplicate Participation: When adding a team, if a player already exists in another team, they cannot join other teams.

Installation Steps

  1. Prepare the Environment

    • Install Velocity proxy server.
    • Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed and properly configured.
  2. Create a Minecraft Contest Server Image (Sub-Server)

    • It's recommended to use Little Wrench as the server base.
    • Set the port to 25565 and ensure it can be accessed correctly via the proxy, including proper forwarding-mode settings.
    • Create a Dockerfile for building the server image.
    • Build the image, e.g., docker build -t minecraft-contest:latest .
    • Create a docker-compose.yml file for starting the sub-server.
  3. Download the Plugin

  4. Configure the Plugin

    • Place the plugin jar file in the plugins/ directory of Velocity.
    • Start the Velocity server once to generate the configuration files, then stop the server to adjust settings.
  5. Configure Files

    • Modify config.yml in the plugins/BuilderContest/ directory to set up ports and other settings.
    • Place docker-compose-default.yml in the plugin directory as the template for starting sub-servers.
  6. Start the Server

    • Start the server and retrieve the bearer-token from the generated config.yml.

Configuration File Description


  http-port: 8080 # HTTP service port.
  port-start: 30000 # Starting port for sub-servers.
  bearer-token: # Bearer Token; leave this empty on first use.
  allow-host: "*" # Allowed host addresses.

docker-compose-default.yml Example

  • Use #SERVER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER as the placeholder for the Docker container name.
  • Use #SERVER_PORT_PLACEHOLDER as the placeholder for the port.
version: '3.8'
    image: minecraft-contest:latest
    container_name: "#SERVER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER"
      # Mount the local world directory to the specified path in the container
      - ./worlds/#SERVER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER/world:/app/world
      EULA: "TRUE"
    restart: unless-stopped

Usage Instructions


  • After the plugin starts, an HTTP service will be launched on port 8080 by default.
  • Key API endpoint:
    • Add Team: POST /team/add, requires Bearer Token authentication, with teamId, teamName, and members as payload fields.

Example Request

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/team/add' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer sSCj4piDoEfV2zIo_C8lD7S4ul0YlVOyBr2BkKpdsTI (Retrieve this from config.yml)' \
--data-raw '{
    "teamId": "team_1",
    "teamName": "Team 1",
    "members": ["Hanamizu_", "user1"]

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