With this plugin your players will be able to redeem currencies such as money, experience, tokens to physical items. Server admins can also directly give withdraw items. If you have any questions, please contact me on Discord!
- To use this plugin you will need to install BeastLib to you plugins folder
- Withdraw xp to XpBottle.
- Withdraw money to CasNote.
- Withdraw BeastTokens
- Withdraw custom limits per permissions
- Play sounds when player uses withdraw or redeem
- Formatted amount for values on item.
- Option to disable using withdraw items in crafting and trading with villager
- Data stored as NBT tags
- Grate configuration options.
- Soon more new things.
- We accept suggestion
To run this plugin you will need to install BeastLib
- Download plugin and dependency jar file put to your Plugins folder.
- Money withdraw has dependency for economy plugin like EssentialsX and Vault.
/XpBottle <xp> <bottle-amount> or <all> - Withdraw your xp to a bottle (Withdraw levels by adding 'l' /XpBottle 10L)!
/XpBottle <level> - Withdraw your xp to a bottle (Withdraw levels by /XpBottle 10L) it will be automatically recalculated to xp!
/Withdraw <cash> <note-amount> or <all> - Withdraw your cash to a note!"
/BeastWithdraw giveXpBottle <player> <xp> <amount> <enchanter> - Give an XP-Bottle to a player. (<amount> and <enchanter> are optional!)
/BeastWithdraw giveXpBottleAll <xp> <amount> <enchanter> - Give an XP-Bottle to all players online. (<amount> and <enchanter> are optional!)
/BeastWithdraw giveCashNote <player> <cash> <amount> <signer> - Give an Cash-Note to a player. (<amount> and <signer> are optional!)
/BeastWithdraw giveCashNoteAll <cash> <amount> <signer> - Give an Cash-Note to all player online. (<amount> and <signer> are optional!)
/BeastWithdraw reload - To reload the plugin!
/BeastWithdraw version - To check version!
/BeastWithdraw help - For Help!
BeastWithdraw.XpBottle.Withdraw - Permission to use /XpBottle
BeastWithdraw.CashNote.Withdraw - Permission to use /Withdraw
BeastWithdraw.XpBottle.Redeem - Permission to consume bottle with xp.
BeastWithdraw.CashNote.Redeem - Permission to consume cash note.
BeastWithdraw.XpBottle.Withdraw.All - Allows players to withdraw all xp.
BeastWithdraw.CashNote.Withdraw.All - Allows players to withdraw all money.
BeastWithdraw.XpBottle.Bypass.Fee - Allows player to by pass xp withdraw fee.
BeastWithdraw.XpBottle.Bypass.Tax - Allows player to by pass xp withdraw tax.
BeastWithdraw.CashNote.Bypass.Fee - Allows player to by pass cash withdraw fee.
BeastWithdraw.CashNote.Bypass.Tax - Allows player to by pass cash withdraw tax.
BeastWithdraw.XpBottle.Drop - Permission to Drop Xp to bottle on Death.
BeastWithdraw.Admin - Permission to use Staff Commands.