Make Exploring & Adventuring Fun Again!
This modpack adds stuff to make the world feel more full and alive, and make it worth it to both Explore, and to Settle down. It has Distant Horizons to see where you are going, several world gen & structure mods to make it worth it to go anywhere, MCA Reborn to make villages worth interacting with and settling down in, jei, auto-hud, gravestones, traveller's backpack, waystones, falling trees and lots more for quality of life, including controller support. It should be pretty easy to get going in. I plan on adding more both for quality/quantity and for difficulty. 'Phases' will be more difficult, you can upgrade the 'phase' version if you want more difficulty, or add something like 'ice and fire' to hate life.
Included things you may want to Upgrade:
Patrix Resource pack is included at 32x. You can upgrade for free to a more HD version or drop a sub here:
Physics Mod is included. you can upgrade to Physics Mod Pro for free, or consider droppping a sub to Haubna here: Pro version will enable crashing beach waves in Pegasus and Icarus shaders
Changes you may want to make:
1) It needs 4000 Mb RAM for the instance or it will crash
- You may want to lower the Distant Horizons render distance or add more RAM to the instance.
My Links:
My Discord:
My Patreon:
My Youtube
If you have any suggestions on other shaders or mods or resorce packs to include, let me know on discord! Have Fun!
Project members
