A modpack built around the fabric version of Cobblemon adding Create and a variation of food mods
made for builders and pokemonfans alike!!!
So Join us in Creating Contraptions Crazy bases and more!!!!
Current Mod List:
- accessories (By Blodhgarm)
- accessories_tclayer (By Blodhgarm)
- another_furniture (By crispytwig)
- appleskin-fabric (By squeek502)
- architectury (By shedaniel)
- artifacts (By ochotonida)
- arts_and_crafts (By KekeCreations)
- arts_and_crafts_compat (By KekeCreations)
- badgebox (By akiosys)
- balm (By BlayTheNinth)
- BeansBackpacks (By BeansGalaxy)
- BetterF3 (By TreyRuffy)
- BetterPingDisplay (By vladmarica)
- brewinandchewin (By mrsterner)
- CasualnessDelight (By TsukimiRen)
- chat_heads (By dzwdz)
- citresewn (By shsupercm)
- cloth-config (By shedaniel)
- cobbled-shiny-particles (By Tyzillion)
- Cobbledex (By Genotype)
- cobblefoods (By Blue_Azul)
- Cobblemon (By Cobblemon)
- cobblemon-legendary-structures (By TSFlareon)
- cobblemon-ui-tweaks (By landonjw)
- cobblemonintegrations (By Arcaryx)
- CobblemonMoveInspector (By Starlotte)
- cobblemonridingfabric (By xtrm1nati0n)
- Cobblenav (By gatekeep06)
- Cobblepedia (By VinnyStalck)
- CobblePKG (By PoyrazPKG)
- Cobbreeding (By ludichat31)
- cookingforblockheads (By BlayTheNinth)
- copycats (By Lysine)
- corndelight (By KreloX)
- cratedelight (By Axperty)
- create (By tropheusj)
- create_copper_and_zinc (By robinfrt)
- create_enchantment_industry (By MarbleGateKeeper)
- Create-Cobblemon (By bracken40)
- create-food (By average_anime)
- createaddition (By mrh0)
- createcontraptionterminals (By tom5454)
- createdeco (By talrey)
- createslugma (By Recharged)
- cultural-creators (By Flomik )
[] - cultural-delights (By ncp_bails )
- custom-mob-spawns (By AzyLooper)
- delightful-creators (By Flomik )
- design_decor (By LopyLuna)
- DustyDecoRefabricated (By FlintMischiff)
- expandeddelight (By ianm1647)
- fabric-api (By modmuss50)
- fabric-language (By modmuss50)
- farmers-delight (By Zifiv)
- FarmersDelight (By Pug)
- farmingforblockheads (By BlayTheNinth)
- fightorflight (By rufiaorsomething)
- freecam (By hashalite)
- fusion (By SuperMartijn642)
- global-datapack (By Declipsonator)
- GooeyLibs (By NickImpact)
- Gts (By bencrow11)
- Impactor (By NickImpact)
- indium (By comp500)
- Create: interiors (By lev)
- InventorySorter (By kyrptonaught)
- iris (By coderbot)
- iris-flywheel-compat (By leon-o)
- Jade (By Snownee)
- JadeAddons (By Snownee)
- jei (By mezz)
- JustEnoughResources (By way2muchnoise)
- lambdynamiclights (By LambdAurora)
- lootr (By noobanidus)
- modmenu (By Terraformers)
- moredelight (By Axperty)
- moreoverlays (By RiDGo8)
- muffins-thai-delight (By firemuffin303)
- Myths_and_Legends (By D0ctorLeon)
- NaturesCompass (By Chaosyr)
- Patchouli (By Vazkii)
- PineappleDelight (By AmarokIce)
- pokeplushie (By lilpebs)
- power-networks (By MattiDragon)
- radiantgear (By TheIllusiveC4)
- rechiseled (By SuperMartijn642)
- rechiseledcreate (By SuperMartijn642)
- resourcepackchecker (By henkelmax)
- searchlight (By Lizard_OfOz) []
- sliceanddice (By possible_triangle)
- sodium (By jellysquid3)
- sophisticatedcore (By Salandora)
- sophisticatedstorage (By Salandora)
- Steam_Rails (By IThundxr)
- supermartijn642configlib (By SuperMartijn642)
- supermartijn642corelib (By SuperMartijn642)
- toms_storage (By tom5454)
- torchesntrinkets (By goremann)
- trinkets (By Emi)
- Trivia (By Roanoke Development)
- vietnamsdelight (By ZachsRoom)
- voicechat (By henkelmax)
- Xaeros_Minimap (By thexaero)
- XaerosWorldMap (By thexaero)
- Ponder for KubeJS (By Lytho)
- MoreJS: KubeJS Addon (By Lytho)
- KubeJS Additions (By Hunter19823)
- KubeJS (By Kubejs)
- More Composting (By BananaPuppy)
- YetJustAnotherSilver (By HPK-dev)
DataPack: alphabetsoup cobblemon unowns By Beezy
Project members
Technical information
Client side
Server side
Project ID