Create Extra
Create Extra is a small collection of mostly client-side mods designed to enhance your experience with the Create Mod on Fabric and Quilt. This modpack adds select mods with the objective of providing a better Minecraft world or server experience, without overwhelming you with unnecessary additions.
📥 Installation
- Modrinth App: You can download and play the modpack directly in the official Modrinth App
- Third party Launcher: To install and play the modpack with the .mrpack file, follow the instructions here.
- Server Side: To install the server-side mods, you can use mrpack-install or ServerPackCreator.
🔄 Modpack Resources
- Mods: You can find a list of all used mods on Moddermore.
- Resourcepack: If you want to play with a nice vanilla-themed resource pack, we recommend VanillaTweaks.
The Forge/NeoForge version is located at this link
🔌 Server Hosting
Looking to play the modpack with your friends on a Minecraft Server? We recommend our partner Shockbyte. Use code CREATE-PLUS to get 25% off your first month. Click here.
💡 Contribute
- BondiBen
- GideonWhite
📞 Contact
For the Create Team
If there are any problems with this project, please let me know on Discord. (bondiben) or (gideonwhite1029)
External resources
Project members

Technical information
Client side
Server side
Project ID