SkyCubed is a Hypixel SkyBlock UI overhaul mod, changing all aspects of the UI in-game to be more inline into it looking like its own game
Installation Guide
- Prerequisites: Fabric Language Kotlin
- Download into your favourite launcher or into your mods folder directly
- Recommended mods to go with it
- To check out the features you can go to the features below.
- If you would like to see how it looks check out the gallery
- ThatGravyBoat - Main Developer
- j10a1n15 - Contributor
- SkyGuide/DeDiamondPro - Map Data
- Alychemist - Info Display, RPG HUD, and general palette textures
- CallMeBell - Various little info icons.
- M1lkys - Emotional Support
- Overlays
- Mini Map
- Mining Commissions
- Pickup Log
- Info Overlay, displays various information in a more consumable manner for different areas you are on SkyBlock.
- Rpg style display with:
- Health
- Mana (Displays how much held item will use)
- XP
- Air (if in water)
- Rpg style display with:
- Text Overlays
- Health (Effective if enabled)
- Mana
- Defense
- Dialogue/NPC text
- If enabled will remove npc chat messages and put them in a display on screen like in other games.
- Cooldowns, Will apply the vanilla cooldown effect to items with cooldowns
- Element hider, will allow you to hide vanilla gui elements on screen
- Item Bars, will add durability bars for drill fuel and snowballs in snow launchers
- Compact Tab List, changes the vanilla tab list to a custom compact version
- Notifications, removed certain chat messages and changes them to notifications (fully customizable)
- Temporarily will show up as a toast but in the pause menu there is a notifications but you can see all of them in.
- Equipment display, like armor will show up next to your player in inventory and will show your equipment.
- Chat tab colors
- Will change the color of the line next to a chat message to the type of message it is, ie. private message, guild message, system message, public message
- Compact messages
- Will compact/make only 1 message visible in chat at a time for certain messages like EXP gains on Hypixel network, cooldowns, pickaxe abilities
- Chat hider
- A config option that will hide certain messages based off of a regex.
External resources
Project members



Emotional Support
Technical information
Client side
Server side
Project ID