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Forge 1.12.2 that adds new commands

Client and server Game MechanicsUtility



ExtraCMDS is a utility mod that introduces several commands to enhance gameplay. These commands allow players to manage attributes, enchantments, lore, and more, offering a wide range of customization and utility options.


Attribute & Enchantment Commands:

  • /attribute <slot/all> <attribute>
    Adds the specified attribute to the desired equipment slot. Supports both vanilla attributes and WizardryUtils attributes. Use "all" to apply the attribute to all slots.

  • /enchantify <enchantment> <optional level>
    Adds the specified enchantment to the held item. Optionally, specify the enchantment level.

Utility Commands:

  • /feed or /feed <player>
    Fills the player's hunger bar to full. If a player name is provided, it feeds the specified player.

  • /fix or /fix all
    Repairs the item held in hand or, when "all" is specified, repairs all items in the player's inventory.

  • /heal or /heal <player>
    Fully restores the player's health. Optionally, specify another player to heal.

Lore & Item Customization Commands:

  • /lore <line>
    Displays or adds lore to the item, starting at the specified line.

  • /removelore <line number>
    Removes the lore at the specified line number.

  • /replaceloreline <line> <new line>
    Replaces the lore at the specified line with the provided new line.

  • /rename <name>
    Renames the item in hand to the specified name.

  • /removeattribute <attribute>
    Removes the specified attribute from the item.

  • /unenchant <enchantment>
    Removes the specified enchantment from the item.

  • /skull <player> or /skull
    Gives the player head of the specified player. If no player is specified, gives the player's own head.

Potion Commands (from MoreCommands Mod):

  • /potion setcolour <colour>
    Sets the potion color.

  • /potion settype <type>
    Changes the potion type.

  • /potion add <effect>; [duration] [amplifier] [showParticles] [ambient]
    Adds the specified potion effect with optional duration, amplifier, particle visibility, and ambient effect.

  • /potion remove <index>
    Removes the potion effect at the specified index.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID