Hard fork of smooth swapping, still under work!
Bedrock Inventory Animations is a client side mod that animates item movement inside of inventories.
It is avaible for Fabric and NeoForge since Minecraft version 1.21 (1.19.4 from the initial mod)
If you use the Fabric version you need the Fabric API and you will need Modmenu to able to access the settings menu.
Smooth Item animation inside an inventory
Bedrock Inventory Animations settings menu
Toogle button to activate and deactivate the mod
Slider to adjust the animation speed
Graph to change the animation curve
Right click with your mouse on an empty space to create a new curve point
Left click and drag a point to move it. The first and last point can't be moved though
Right click on a point to delete it
Small inventory to test your animation
Thanks Schauweg and Riflusso
External resources
Project members
