Server mod to turn off damage during afk.
The Fabric version requires the Fabric API.
To change the config, you need to follow the path .minecraft/config/autoafk/config.json(default is 60 sec)
If the mod version is 1.1.0 and higher, then you can configure it through the commands:
/afk setdelay {time} (Set delay to switch to afk mode)
/afk setsuffocating {true/false} (Set up choke protection)
/afk setcollide {true/false} (Set up collision with mobs) (In versions higher than 1.2.4)
/afk setmobsaggression {true/false} (Set up protection against mob aggression) (In versions higher than 1.2.4)
- TRUE - Enable protection
- FALSE - Disable protection