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Always More Items

Always More Items


An inventory editor mod for b1.7.3, with a few neat systems like a rarity system.

Client or server LibraryUtility


A partial backport of JustEnoughItems to b1.7.3.

Features over HMI-fabric (for users):

  • A much less laggy UI.
  • Proper support for StationAPI tooltips.
  • Proper support for hiding items that you don't want to see. (WIP)
  • Syncing recipes from server to client, meaning servers running custom recipes can nicely do so without additional client mods. (Requires AMI on server)
  • Overhauled tooltip rendering.
    • Tooltips are the last thing rendered, meaning you can queue a tooltip at any point, and it should render, regardless of the current GUI (if any at all).
    • Tooltips are screen edge aware, unlike vanilla tooltips.
    • They can render modern formatting codes (italics, bold, etc).
    • They can render itemstacks, dividers, and even images.
    • Customisation and extension API coming soon:tm:.
  • A rarities system.
    • This does nothing without a mod that adds them to items.
    • Can have fancy formatting, header colours, and icons.

Drawbacks compared to HMI-fabric:

  • You need StationAPI regardless of if you want it or not. (Will be worked on, but you will lose everything aside from recipe-related features)

Features over every other inventory editor:

  • Multiplayer NBT and metadata giving. (Requires AMI on server)
  • Multiplayer healing. (Requires AMI on server)
  • Multiplayer day/night.
  • Recipe viewing.

Features over HMI-fabric (for devs):

  • A sane API that allows you to almost entirely reuse your existing container and rendering code, removing the need for specialized containers and UIs.
  • An entirely redone tooltip rendering system which supports modern colour and formatting codes, and also supports rarities (WIP on latter.)
  • A ton of render helpers that make creating and editing GUIS far less painful.
  • An item blacklist API, which can be updated during runtime for progression-locked items, if wanted.

External resources

Project members

Glass Series

Glass Series




Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID