Main features: When the game ends, you can now execute actions for each player (different actions for winners and losers!) such as running commands, giving effects... The default actions are set in the config.yml file but you can also have different actions for each arena! Check the actions wiki for more info.
Additionally, the database and stats system has been reworked to run asynchronously and use HikariCP. Data is now only read when a player joins the server or for every online player when the plugin is reloaded and it's only saved when a game ends or the plugin is reloaded/disabled.
Developers: The API is now uploaded to jitpack and has Javadocs. Visit the wiki or the GitHub page to see how to implement it.
Minor changes:
Creating and removing join signs require the tag.setup
permission and they have error and success messages.
Messages with Minimessage will now be parsed correctly, fixing text hovering not working.
Players' effects are now saved and restored when entering or leaving an arena or the arena setup mode.
Notes: I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.
Visit the wiki for more information.