- [R2] Hotfix for rank prefixes on first-time setup
- Improved permission handling to better support other plugins
- Improved offline player handling in commands
- Improved data storage stability
- Implemented temporarily ranks using tags '/pr (add/set)rank <player> <rank> expires:1h33m'
- Implemented world based ranks using tags '/pr (add/set)rank <player> <rank> world:world_nether world:world_the_end'
- Improved permission checking speed by ~400%
- Updated '/pr addrank' command, added support for tags '/pr addrank <player> <rank> [expires:1d6h33m] [tag:value]...'
- Updated '/pr setrank' command, added support for tags '/pr setrank <player> <rank> [expires:1d6h33m] [tag:value]...'
- Fixed '/pr checkrank' command when executed from the console
- Fixed NametagEdit showing '[suffix]' when no suffix is set on a rank
PowerRanks.jar(4.67 MiB) Primary Download