New Infrastructure
- We're excited to announce that DiSky now has its own Maven repository (although only DiSky is available for now).
- The project has been updated to fully support Skript 2.10, including comprehensive updates to the module system
:warning: From now on, DiSky will only support Skript 2.10 and above!
- Introduced DiSkyMetrics with bStats integration for better usage tracking and analytics (
:rocket: Major Feature Additions
:control_knobs: Command Structures Overhaul
- Implemented a new system for User & Message Command Structures
- Added support for slash command groups and sub commands
- Fixed building issues related to slash commands with integer/double arguments that have choices
- Enhanced the slash command un-registration system
:construction: Data Structures!
Launched a new comprehensive data structures system! This is meant to be a more easy-to-use and powerful way to create discord objects, similar to YAML. It's a more user-friendly way to create and manage Discord objects, such as embeds, buttons (and soon, more!). Here's a quick example:
set {_e} to a new embed:
title: "Hello, World!"
description: "This is a test embed!"
color: red
name: "Also support complex expressions!"
value: "%event-user%"
reply with {_e}
:gear: Module System Improvements
- Introduced a new module API
- Added validation to prevent loading of outdated modules
- Removed the feature to enable/disable/reload modules as it was broken asf
:warning: See this page to update your modules accordingly! All of them are now BROKEN with v4.21.0 if you DON'T UPDATE THEM!
:zap: Quality of Life Improvements
- Enhanced the private channel effect with better error logging
- Added the ability to move roles for a specified duration
- Implemented pre-filled values for text inputs
- Added a new section system to the debug file with listener debugging (
/disky debug listener
) - (Finally) Made every expressions asynchronously changeable & gettable
:bug: Bug Fixes
- Fixed unban effect functionality
- Resolved issues with the ban effect not completing rest actions
- Updated all deprecated Skript methods to their modern equivalents
- Various performance optimizations and code refactoring
DiSky 4.21.0.jar(14.81 MiB) Primary Download